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A. A. Karasev, S. V. Aleshin

Recommendations on SCENAR and COSMODIC treatment

Dynamics of body reactions

Biologically, the changing reactions testify to dynamics that, in its turn, means self-regulation, adaptation, and life. One of the basic laws of living is to survive and adapt. Adaptation is an adjustment of the living body and its development cycle to the changed conditions of life. If the cycle is not completed, the body has not adjusted yet and that is why it tries to complete the cycle over and over again. The body experiences an inherent need for completing the cycle.

Nowadays, the medical and non-medical minds are occupied with a perverted idea of self-regulation: the body will recover if the defense-adapting reactions developed during the millions of years of evolution are repressed or disordered. In actual fact, in this case the disease is only suppressed or stopped for a while, but no recovery occurred (there are some exceptions when the body has so strong potential that is able to adapt to the medicine and recovers not because of medical treatment but in spite of it).

The doctors, for the most part, never consider the dynamics of the process (it is not their fault but their problem — they do what they were taught to). The deviations from the norm are usually set back into the norm by forced and non-physiological methods. As a result, the body has not adapted and the cycle of development of adapting reaction has not been completed. In other words, forcing self-regulation is very much undesirable. SCENAR is not a forcing method. It starts, spurs on, facilitates but by no means disorders or breaks suppressed self-regulation.

What happens when self-regulation is activated? All incomplete cycles of adapting reactions that have not been fulfilled (were broken off with the “right” treatment) begin to restore. Outwardly this is characterized by exacerbation of the processes, which occurred earlier, until they are successfully completed. One cycle is followed by another and so on, until they are all complete (if there are several incomplete cycles). In reality, when a patient starts SCENAR-treatment his pseudo-healthy condition changes for exacerbation of the suppressed pathological processes, out of nothing there appears gastric ulcer, radiculitis, or disorders of the kidneys, or something else. And it is a real luck if there is someone who can explain to the patient that all those changes in his body are changes for the better that will be followed by recovery.

The dynamics of the body reactions is reflected by:

  1. subjective status (perception, analysis, reacting);
  2. objective state — everything that can be analyzed from the outside;
  3. instrumental, laboratory and all other methods of investigation;
  4. all the rest informational processes in the body and its environment.

But all this reflects only the dynamics in changing. A single investigation cannot characterize the reactions in the body.

One of the main points in work of the SCENAR-therapist is constant observation of the dynamics. You should estimate the dynamics, provide its realization and promote its maximum comfortable (quick and painless) course.