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A. A. Karasev, S. V. Aleshin

Recommendations on SCENAR and COSMODIC treatment

Disorders of nervous system

Diagnosis Areas to act upon Characteristics of the procedures Course of treatment
Radiculitis, plexitis, neuritis, neuralgia Area of maximum complaint → the corresponding segment → symmetric area → basic areas 10–14 days
Zoster and herpes of other localization Area of maximum complaint → the corresponding segment → symmetric area → basic areas 5–10 days
Neuroinfections Area of maximum complaint → the head → three tracks → other basic areas q. s.
until the disorder is eliminated
Migraine Six points → collar area → basic areas Act upon the symmetric areas as well q. s.
until the migraine attack is eliminated
Encephalopathy The head → collar area → basic areas For more effective treatment it is recommended to shave the head hair 15–21 days
Acute insult First of all the head areas → hands and forearms The sooner the treatment has been started the sooner the recovery comes. The first action should last for no less than 1 hour. The next actions can last for 20–40 minutes. Several hours, days, depending on the condition of the patient
Insult after-effects The head areas → six points → extremities → basic areas The treatment should be concentrated on restoration of the moving ability of the patient and his moving stereotype. The procedures should be conducted no more often than every other day. 15–25 sessions,
2–3 courses
Paresis, chronic paralysis Extremities → the head → basic areas The treatment should be conducted no more often than every other day. 15–25 sessions,
2–3 courses
Infantile cerebral paralysis The head → extremities → basic areas The treatment should be conducted no more often than every other day. 10–14 days,
2–3 courses
Epilepsy The head → collar area → basic areas Together with treatment of the head, provide sufficient action upon the muscles. 10–14 sessions,
1–2 courses