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A. A. Karasev, S. V. Aleshin

Recommendations on SCENAR and COSMODIC treatment

Disorders of musculoskeletal system

In treating the disorders of the musculoskeletal system SCENAR produces the most effective and quick results. If combined with manual therapy, the action should be very careful, non-aggressive and mutually complementary.

Diagnosis Areas to act upon Characteristics of the procedures Course of treatment
Osteochondrosis Three tracks → other basic areas Search trigger areas. 12–15 sessions,
1–3 courses
Arthrosoarthritis Maximum painful joints and the surrounding muscles → the corresponding segments → symmetric joints → basic areas The changes in the bones will appear last, after the changes in the internals. 10–14 days
Muscular block, myositis, myofascial pains Area of maximum complaint → the corresponding segment → basic areas Alternate the modes of action 10–14 days
Injuries of muscles, bones, and ligaments Area of maximum complaint → the corresponding segment → basic areas Id. 5–10 days
Fractures and dislocations Area of maximum complaint → the corresponding segment → symmetric area → adrenal glands Id. 5–10 days
Edemas Area of maximum complaint → the corresponding segment → symmetric area → basic areas The action should be aimed at dispersing the edemas through lymph drainage passageways from periphery regions to the center. q. s.
depending on regression
Rheumatoid arthritis Maximum painful joints and surrounding muscles → the corresponding segments → symmetric joints → basic areas Alternate various action modes and methods. 15–20 days,
3–4 courses
Discal hernia Area of hernia → the corresponding segments → basic areas Conduct treatment in a pose convenient for the patient. 12–14 days,
1–3 courses
Osteomyelitis Area of the fistula and projection of the fistulous passage → the corresponding segment → basic areas Alternate various action modes and methods. 12–15 days,
1–4 courses