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A. A. Karasev, S. V. Aleshin

Recommendations on SCENAR and COSMODIC treatment


There are no absolute contraindications for use of SCENAR devices. It can be applied for such patients that are contraindicated other methods of treatment, for example, patients suffering from oncological disorders, allergy, pregnant patients, new-born children, etc.

Relative contraindications The cause
Individual intolerance The patients may have insuperable prejudice against this kind of therapy. The problem lies not in the kind of therapy itself but in psychical individualities of the patient.
The patient has cardiostimulator With cardiostimulator the patients are supposed to avoid any electric action upon the body. However, SCENAR has been successfully used in such cases and till now there have been no reports of any malfunction of cardiostimulators caused by SCENAR action. The problem is that if the cardiostimulator stops working during SCENAR treatment (and it may stop without SCENAR treatment), it would be difficult to prove that this was not caused by SCENAR.
Severe mental diseases As in cases of somatic diseases, the recovery from mental disorders may be followed by exacerbations. That is why, in psychiatry SCENAR is used together with psychotropic medicine (in cases, if the doctor can devote much time to the patient and treat him individually, psychotropic drugs may be refused).
Acute infectious diseases of unknown etiology It concerns diagnostics but not treatment. The sooner the treatment starts (in any, even not infectious disease), the better the effect of therapy is. The problem is that after SCENAR action it is very difficult to reveal the agent of the disease by traditional, generally accepted methods of medicine, i.e. makes problematic juridical medical paper work (but causes no problems for treatment of the patient).
Cardiac fibrillation Having this pathology for a long period of time causes formation of thrombotic clots in the heart cavities. Restoration of the cardiac rhythm may lead to burst of thrombi into other organs. This complication is characteristic of medicinal and electro-shock means of restoration of rhythm. When applying SCENAR-therapy, the rhythm restoration follows not at once, it is a result of thrombi resolution. However, people who are not proficient in treatment of severe chronic cardiac pathology are strongly recommended to leave this to specialists.