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I. P. Komarova, N. S. Ryazanov

SCENAR-therapy with model 035-4

Operating modes of SCENAR series model 035-4

SCENAR series model 035-4 provides electropulse action upon the human body in two main types of action modes:

  • continuous mode;
  • individually-dosed mode (interrupted).

Continuous mode

Switches on at pressing and holding “ON” button. Action in this electropulse mode has no pauses between the pulse packets. Pulses go one by one. Action time depends on the disease, its stage and age of the patient and can take from 0.5 to 2 minutes.

Interrupted mode

Action in the interrupted mode has rather long pauses between pulse packets. The interrupted mode of action is also called individually-dosed mode. Individually — because due to biological feedback, action signal coming from the device is changed by the patient's body depending on condition of its functional systems.

Dosed — because action time is different for every particular patient. For one patient several seconds of action are enough, for another — positive effect can be achieved after several minutes or even hours.

The interrupted individually-dosed mode implements double individual feature — form of the signal and action time.

Continuous mode provides individual non-dosed action.

Individual — because the signal form in this mode is also changed by the patient's condition, but the changes of the signal cannot be monitored by the device.

Non-dosed — because due to pressing and holding “ON” button the patient's body cannot set the action dose or stop it.

All action modes in all SCENAR series models can be monitored by indicators. Action end is accompanied by the sound signal and shifting of the LED flashes.

SCENAR devices not only provide therapeutic action, but also examine the condition of the patient's body and its functional systems.