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Publications — Non-professinal use

EX715Ag — A non-professional’s initial report on personal use

Ken Sawyer | 25.04.2006

© K C SAWYER. (Ken Sawyer). 1st April 2006

My reasons for choosing this model

  • I was already familiar with “LET Medical” Scenar treatment, albeit as recipient patient. I was treated during 3 periods in 2005 by a Russian trained LET Scenar therapist in southern Sweden, the therapist being a friend of ours. She was using an “old” PS705 and the intermediate VX735v5L, often simultaneously. I was also treated twice at the Hassleholm clinic of Ludmila Kovalchuk and Larisa Persson using a VX735Ag.
  • There are no “LET Medical” Scenar therapists in my area of England so I preferred to buy this device, designed as “a model for personal use”.
  • Another reason is that it is a fully Cosmodic model that functions at the genetic level, working “directly with the cells and regenerating those of them which can still be restored” as Alexander Karasev told me in advance via the forum. This is very important re the particular damage in my case (see below). A further reason for deciding to self-treat may be found in the next section.
  • I had carefully read Dr Irina Kossovskaia’s article “The Cosmodic Era — Scenar 715 & 735” plus Vivienne Constad’s report on her testing of the EX715Ag. These reports confirmed my decision.
  • I knew that dealing with my neuropathy would be a long-term treatment, something confirmed by AK who advising about the desired renewing of the cell structure of my damaged peripheral nerves wrote, “I must warn you it is a very long process.”

My main presenting condition

I have suffered from the consequences of a rare peripheral neuropathy, Paraproteinaemic Demyelinating Neuropathy, for almost 13 years. It is a neuropathy involving monoclonal gammopathy – an extra amount of one antibody/protein in my system. Details of the neuropathy may be found on my web site www.pdn-info.co.uk. An auto-immune disorder, it involves damage to the myelin of the nerve cells and also some damage to the axons, resulting in dysfunctional messages being transmitted to my lower legs and feet. Sometimes also to my hands. There is more damage to the sensory nerves than to the motor nerves. There has been a great deal of nerve (neuropathic) pain, whilst over time the muscles in my feet have been weakening as they have lacked a proper nerve supply. Because of the faulty message chain the muscles often tighten or cramp and become increasingly painful. As a result there is a great deal of stressful pain, albeit not the same as nerve pain.

This is exacerbated when aggravated by ‘mini-lows’ in ambient atmospheric pressure and also by high winds. People with rheumatoid arthritis also have similar problems. This is explained on another of my sites — www.nervepainandweather.co.uk.

Subjectively the treatment in Sweden definitely led to a reduction in the nerve pain. I realise that what was begun in this then dormant chronic disorder was the initiation of the healing process. Some regeneration must have begun, I think. The 3rd period of treatment was some 4 months ago and really needed follow-up to continue to further stages as soon as possible.

Personal details and medical history

Male aged 78 years. 66 years of age at onset of neuropathy, in the months following a gall bladder operation by keyhole surgery and then minor surgery on a calcaneal spur on my left heel. 47 years ago an appendix operation. 4 years ago a heart attack followed by successful by-pass surgery. Otherwise in good health for age. Do not drink alcohol or smoke. My wife serves a healthy diet! Rather over weight for my medium height. Some of this weight gain is due to some of my prescribed pills, for ameliorating pain. Fellow users of a support group forum confirm this problem.

The first three weeks of use

Before starting to use the 715 I carefully read and mentally digested both the 715 manual, which is very clear, and the Scenar and Cosmodic treatment handbook. I also recalled my conversations with my Swedish based therapist. I then tried out the use of the device and progressively commenced treatment.

Alexander Karasev advised the following procedure. “Your session should take not less than one hour and during one session I would recommend you treating one specific area. At the next session — treat another area, and so on. You should make breaks after 2—3 weeks of treatment. The breaks should be for about 1 week. When regeneration starts (usually after the first week of treatment) you may have exacerbation periods (after 3 or more sessions).” I have interpreted this advice on these lines: Day 1. “One specific area” as treating at lower legs and feet, including the symmetries. Day 2. “Treat another area” as treat at the pathways. Then this series on alternating days.


I am ‘placing’ the device on the skin at the selected place, without moving it until a full dose is attained or until after 10 minutes of dosing if the activity is not remarkable. Because of the areas of treatment I cannot safely lay the device on the skin without holding it carefully.

Exacerbation or crisis periods

There has been no noticeable ‘worsening’. This also applied in Sweden. It may be that because of the day to day variations in my experience of the neuropathy, or because of the mal-influence of atmospheric pressure ‘mini-lows’ I have not realised that one of these was not the guilty offender in a temporary worsening Scenar-Cosmodic treatment experience!

Treatment sessions

The handling of the device in personal treatment is a very different matter to being the passive, albeit mentally positive, recipient of treatment from a therapist. Access to some parts of my body is neither easy nor relaxing, especially with the need to safely handle this quite small device and avoid touching the electrodes or the buttons. I lack both the skills and the physique of a contortionist!

When treating at my lower legs I usually do this in front of a wardrobe mirror, so that I can follow the display’s information. Reaching down for several minutes at a time is not comfortable but I am learning to adopt better positions. In treating at my feet, including soles and heels, I try to raise the foot for support on my bed. Carrying out pathways treatment does raise problems about accurately targeting the placing of the device. Again the reach is not always comfortable! There may be one ‘blind spot’ towards the middle of my spine. My judgement is that treatment at the lower parts of the spine, especially the lumbar and sacral areas, is very important in relation to the distribution of the peripheral nerves.

Accurate positioning on the pathways is assisted by setting quite such energy levels sufficient for me to truly feel the impulse actions. The following of the sounds is very important too. I had considered lying on the device for pathways treatment, but here there is another difficulty. Because of the dysfunctional nerve message transmission I get strong cramping of my feet and lower legs when I lie prone. The muscles do not seem to receive the relax instruction.

In Sweden I was often lying on a device whilst wrapped firmly in a TMB blanket. The warmth was very relaxing and my feet were not too painful. Also the therapist can accurately place the device. It has proved to be too great and painful a personal treatment management problem to use the blanket whilst lying on the device. Constant unwrapping of the blanket to move the device detracts from the benefits, warmth is lost and my feet seriously hurt.

Sessional use

I usually start in S0 in order to discern the most active spots or trigger points for treatment.

Much of the time I operate in S1 (A2) but I have used the S3 mode and normally use S4 for my legs and feet.

On my feet I start on the sole and heels and then move to the sides and top of my feet. On my legs I start just above my ankle on the outer side of the leg and follow part way up the segment, according to where the S0 check has guided me.

I am keeping careful records. It is interesting how often full doses are being attained in periods varying from just over a minute to somewhere near 10 minutes.

Results so far and expectations

To date there have been no dramatic results and this is no surprise or disappointment to me. This first stage of 3 weeks, I believe, is about recommencing the process begun in Sweden up to November and the re-awakening or re-training of the adaptation process, a cleaning up period.

I am now taking a few days’ break before re-commencing treatment. Perhaps my body will now be responding to the changes brought about in this first stage of treatment. I expect that treatment will need several courses at least. By the very nature and the chronic history of this neuropathy I anticipate that this may be quite a long process. It is going to be of great interest to me to discover how far one may progress treating a very rare neuropathy by this method.

I am still using my TMB blanket (obtained last year from the Russian nurses’ Scenar clinic in Hassleholm, Sweden) for about 3 sessions per week, independently of the treatment.

Comments about the device

The device is relatively small and requires careful handling, especially round my back. Having read the manual first I find that the OLED display is very clear to understand.