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Publications — Case studies

Treatment of chronic diskogenic lumbosacral radiculitis with pain syndrome (new EX735Ag Modific)

Milena Lipkova | 31.10.2011

Patient details

Gender/age: male, 38 Complaints: exacerbation of chronic diskogenic lumbosacral radiculitis with pain syndrome.

Past medical history: patient was treated for 4 months in the hospital with different methods. Was also treated by healers and osteopaths without success. Sometimes pains went away after injections of gas and traction. But the effect of anesthetization was not long.


1-st day — Scenar-Cosmodic Slider 10, 4 doses were made at the lower back according to the readings of the device.

Time of action: 45 min. + 10 min in Scenar-Cosmodic MYO mode on the whole back and lower back.

2-nd day — Scenar-Cosmodic Slider 10, 3 doses were made at the lower back according to the readings of the device, and 4 dose at urinary bladder projection.

Time of action: 35 min+10 min in Scenar-Cosmodic MYO mode on the whole back and urinary bladder projection.

3-rd day — Scenar-Cosmodic SLIDER 10, 2 doses were made at the lower back according to the readings of the device, 2 doses at urinary bladder region and one at kidneys.

Time of action: 15 min+10 min in Scenar-Cosmodic MYO mode on the whole back, lower back, and projection of kidneys and urinary bladder.

Time of action during session: 35–45 minutes

Action modes used: Scenar-Cosmodic SLIDER 10, Scenar-Cosmodic MYO

Areas treated: back (3 pathways), lower back, projection of kidneys and urinary bladder.

Change of the patient's condition during and after session: After the first session pains vanished before the evening. The patient stopped taking analgesics. After the 2-nd session the patient had abundant urination, low-back pain became weaker. Patient's condition has changed. He began to feel a great relief. After the third session patient changed crutches to a stick and did not feel any discomfort. He did back strengthening exercises easily.

Total number of sessions: 3

Total time of treatment: 2 hours and 8 minutes.

Final results of treatment: low-back pain completely compensated. General state improved. Patient was surprised to know that pain in lower back was also the result of inflammatory process in the urinary bladder.


A great advantage of the new Modific Slider is that you can choose programs according to the patient's condition. MYO mode works excellently, the signal is soft. It is important to emphasize that none of the patients has severe exacerbation.

Comments on the new device working: extreme eye strain when following numbers, would like to see bigger numbers on the screen.

Milena Lipkova,
psychologist, scenar-therapist
Slovakia and Czech Republic,

Translated by Victoria Karlina “LET Medical”