Publications — Case studies
Rheumatoid arthritis with complications
Vivienne Constad | 4.08.2005
© Dr. Vivienne Constad
I have a patient who had developed rheumatoid arthritis with complications. A very young looking 60 year old. She was virally crippled within 6 months, a friend recommended her to me and she came to me just a few months ago.
Could not walk but slowly creep with the aid of 2 sticks. (Also she had difficulty in speaking too) First session and she spoke easily and forgot to take her sticks with her down the stairs!
She is in her first SCENAR break right now, after 12 sessions and is dancing, entertaining, and working and partying again.
She is returning to me in a short time soon for more,( she is not yet fully recovered) but at the moment she is still being monitored by her consultant and the team at their hospital, they are very confused with her progress!
The materials were provided and published with permission of Dr. Vivienne Constad, London, UK