Publications — Case studies
Postoperative treatment of opened craniocerebral injury. New EX735Ag Modific
Nikolay Miroshnichenko | 29.08.2011
Patient details
Gender/age: male, 35. A doctor by profession. Teacher at Medical University.
Presented condition, complaints: weakness, undue fatiguability (sleeps three times a day approximately for 1.5 hours), unsteadiness of walk– walks about the house, holding onto the wall and furnishings. He goes up the stairs to the second floor of the house only with somebody's help. Lower emotionality, gets tired quickly while talking. Complains of lapses of memory.
Past medical history: He got into a car accident and was hospitalized in the state of coma to neurosurgical clinic diagnosed with: large opened craniocerebral injury, brain contusion, hemorrhagic focuses in the right hemisphere, massive subarachnoid hemorrhage, intraventricular hemorrhage, subdural hemorrhage of left temporal region, fractures of the facial bones, brain edema and swelling. Was operated by emergency. The patient was in the state of coma in the intensive care unit on artificial pulmonary ventilation for 15 days.
Scenar-therapy was started at home the day after discharge from the neurosurgery unit.
Time of action during session: the first two days sessions were 25–30 minutes each, three times a day. Next 3 days the session lasted 40–45 minutes twice a day, further only one session a day — 45 minutes.
Action modes used: The frequency of use in descending order: Scenar-Cosmodic Slider auto, Scenar-Cosmodic Slider 5, Scenar, Cosmodic, Scenar-Cosmodic MYO auto, Cosmodic-MYO, Scenar-MYO.
Areas treated: back, head, cervical collar zone, upper and lower extremities, abdominal region.
Change of the patient's condition during and after session: at the first 3–4 sessions the patient fell asleep immediately. At awakening felt more energy and was more active than before the session.
Total number of sessions: 20
Total time of treatment (days, weeks): 2 weeks
Final result of treatment:
Patient's condition, in his words, had improved: the patient sleeps once or twice a day. The gait became steadier. Walks about the house without anybody's help. Psychoemotional state improved. He jokes and laughs. The speech is emotionally coloured. His memory is almost fully restored. From the words of neurosurgeon and neurologist, who treated the patient, positive dynamics in the present condition of the patient is more expressed, than it usually is after such severe injuries and operations.
The materials were provided and published with permission of
Dr. Nikolay Miroshnichenko
Yalta, Crimea
Translated by Victoria Karlina “LET Medical”