Publications — Case studies
Duodenal ulcer. Recurrent peptic ulcer (new EX735Ag Modific)
Milena Lipkova | 10.10.2011
Patient details
Gender/age: male, 45
Complaints: duodenal ulcer. Recurrent peptic ulcer.
Past medical history: patient was treated in the hospital during a month. Was discharged from hospital with pains. Ulcer 0.5 cm x 0.5 cm remained uncicatrized. No malignant cells were detected during biopsy.
1-st day — Scenar-Cosmodic slider 10, 3 doses were fulfilled at the projection of the gastrointestinal tract and 3 doses in the navel region according to the readings of the device. Time of action: 35 min. + 10 min in Scenar-Cosmodic MYO mode on the whole back (3 pathways) + gastrointestinal tract projection on both hands (Su-jok system) (Scenar mode).
2-nd day — Scenar Cosmosic Slider 10 - 3 doses were fulfilled at the projection of the gastrointestinal tract on the back and 3 doses in the navel region according to the readings of the device. Then 10 minutes in the Scenar-Cosmodic MYO mode on the whole back (3 pathways) + gastrointestinal tract projection on both hands (Su-jok system) (Scenar mode) and liver projection.
3-rd day — Scenar-Cosmosic Slider 10, 2 doses were completed on both hands (Su-jok system) according to the readings of the device, then 1 dose in liver region and 1 dose in the navel region. Time of action: 35 min. + 10 min in Scenar-Cosmodic MYO on the whole back.
4-the day: — Scenar-Cosmodic Slider 10, 2 doses were fulfilled at the gastrointestinal tract projection on the back and 1 dose in the navel region + 10 min Scenar-Cosmodic MYO on the whole back (3 pathways) and gastrointestinal tract projection on both hands (Su-jok system) (Scenar mode) and liver projection + gentle stroking over the whole abdomen and back at the gastrointestinal tract projection (Cosmodic mode).
Time of action during session: 35–55 minutes
Action modes used: Scenar-Cosmodic Slider 10, Scenar–Cosmodic MYO, Scenar.
Areas treated: gastrointestinal tract projection on the back, gastrointestinal tract, liver, projection area of duodenum, palms.
Change of the patient's condition during and after session: patient came with a severe pain of an unknown character — “the whole patient was aching”. After the 1-st session he was very tired and weak. The reaction of the organism was moderate. His temperature rose in the evening. Gastrointestinal tract started clearing, but it was not long.
Total number of session: 4
Total time of treatment: 4 days
Final results of treatment: after the 4-th session the patient feels good, no pains, gastrointestinal tract functions normally. On ultrasound investigation, which was made 4 weeks after the end of SCENAR therapy, ulcer is cicatrized. Doctor who treated him was surprised and sent the patient to the ultrasound check once again, but images were the same. Now that doctor comes to me for scenar-therapy, but that is another story “of unbelievable recovery” as he had said looking at the ultrasound film of his now ex-patient.
Comments: Getting remarkable result is not a just a lucky chance when using new Modific Slider. The reaction of organism allows getting positive result so quickly, due to detox effect.
Comments on the new device working: there is a possibility of using several variants of therapy during a session. It enhances the effectiveness of the device. My patients are surprised by the quick effects of the therapy. And me too.
Milena Lipkova,
psychologist, scenar-therapist
Slovakia and Czech Republic,
Translated by Victoria Karlina “LET Medical”