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Congestive heart failure (new EX715Ag)

Dr. Irina Kossovskaia, MD, PhD, DNM | 10.04.2013

Jane and Seth Butterfield from Ogden, UT got one of the very first in North America upgraded EX715Ag less than a month ago. In fact, they got the full array of the Healing FUSION devices, including the Slider and the Q1000NG. With Seth’s worsening health condition, they ran out of options and were willing to try anything to at least stop the progression of his debilitating disease.

After Seth retired from military over 20 years ago, he started having problems with blood pressure. In 1991 at the age of 58 Seth had his first heart attack followed by a quadruple bypass. Six weeks after that surgery he developed chest pains again; it appeared that 3 out of 4 bypasses got clogged. Seth was taken for an open-heart surgery that revealed that the bottom third of his heart muscle died... and it went downhill from there.

Over the last 3 years Seth has been bedridden. He got so weak that simply taking a shower would put him into bed for 2 days. All he could do is to move from his bed to a chair and back. Seth was retaining a lot of water (80–90 extra pounds), his lungs and heart were giving up, and Jane had a nurse on call 24/7 ready to come over and help resuscitate Seth in case his heart stopped (which was expected any moment).

Jane and Seth were not strangers to healthy lifestyle and wholistic medicine. In fact, they went through Dean Ornish program and even used the SCENAR 97.4, with limited success. And yet, Seth’s condition continued to slowly worsen. That’s when they discovered the Healing FUSION.

Just 4 days after using the EX715 and the Q1000 (the Slider hasn’t arrived yet) Seth felt good enough to drive 100 miles for Thanksgiving dinner at their daughter’s. The family had a nice dinner together, and Seth, after a little rest, was still in good condition to drive back. After they returned home, even though Seth was tired, it was still better than he would typically feel after just taking a shower.

Jane started taking Seth off his water pills and some of his heart medication, and his condition continued to improve. Seth now is using the 715 daily. His energy level is steadily growing. His lung capacity is increasing. They just had their routine doctor’s appointment, and at the end Seth’s cardiologist said, “Well, see you in nine months!” And that’s after Seth was given less than a year to live just a couple months ago...

I do not know about you, but it sounds like one of those Healing FUSION miracles to me. And the EX715Ag is directly responsible for such dramatic result. And that’s not your wrinkles and cellulite we are talking about; that’s life threatening congestive heart failure (even though the new 715 can do wrinkles and cellulite too).

The materials were provided and published with permission of
Dr. Irina Kossovskaia, MD, PhD, DNM,
HealthBoss-Mediscen, North America