Publications — Case studies
Carpal tunnel syndrome (new EX735Ag Modific)
Nikolay Miroshnichenko | 18.01.2012
Patient details
Gender/age: male, 40
Office worker, an active computer user.
Complaints: pains in the right radiocarpal joint
Past medical history: the patient considers himself a sick person for about 5-6 month, since the time when stiffness, discomfort and then pain syndrome in the right radiocarpal joint appeared for the first time. Pain becomes stronger at the end of working day. He spends much time working on computer. Was consulted by a neurologist.
Diagnose: carpal tunnel syndrome with compression of the median nerve. The treatment was provided with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, corticosteroids and local anesthetics. Treatment effect was temporary and short.
Time of action during session: 30 min.
Action modes used: Scenar-Cosmodic Slider auto, Scenar-Cosmodic Slider 10, Scenar, Scenar-MYO.
Areas treated: back, cervical collar zone, both extremities along the full length and wrist joint locally, starting with left one.
Change of the patient’s condition during and after session: after the treatment the patient noticed changes in his condition in general — improvement of the general well-being, emotional rise and burst of energy. Locally — decrease of the pain syndrome and joint stiffness.
Total number of sessions: 12
Total time of treatment (days, weeks): 3 weeks. Repeated course of treatment is planned in future.
Final result of treatment: improvement in the patient’s general well-being, essential decrease of painful sensations in the right wrist joint area.
A moderate stiffness appears at the end of the working day. A short term pain may appear during physical activity on the joint. The patient received some prescriptions to prevent tunnel syndrome.
The materials were provided and published with permission of
Dr. Nikolay Miroshnichenko
Yalta, Crimea
Translated by Victoria Karlina “LET Medical”