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The COSMODIC Era — SCENAR 715 & 735

Dr. Irina Kossovskaia, MD, PhD, DNM | 7.11.2005

© by Dr. Irena Kossovskaia, Oct. 2005

Attention, all the browsers of the SCENAR Fair! There is a new arrival to the SCENAR family. Two beautiful ladies are being introduced by LET Medical: twin sisters EX715Ag and EX715Au.

According to Alexander Karasev, the 715 model was one of the fastest to go through the full development cycle. It took only about a year for the device to go from the drawing board and into the user's hands (compared to the typical six-seven years). I guess that's because the features and particularities of the 715 almost ideally fit its designated market niche.

The 715 model was contemplated as the ‘exclusive personal SCENAR’. Fully automatic (all therapeutic functions, even the energy level, are regulated automatically), conveniently small and ergonomic (the size of a cell phone and very comfortable to hold); plus it looks and works in ways that would make any gadget freak loose a night sleep over. It has a quite unusual black screen that displays an awful lot of information about the current status of your device and the treatment procedure; yet all of this is sensibly laid out and you never get lost in the abundance of data.

I have to confess; every time I get a new SCENAR model in my hands, I start using it right away without reading any operator's manual. My logic is that if I can figure out how to efficiently operate the device without instructions, then the machine is ‘user-friendly’ enough — and that's what I want for my clients, especially when concerning the personal SCENAR. I read the manual later, though, to see how much of what I guessed actually matches the manufacturer's recommendations.

Well, when practicing the above, I found it rather difficult initially with the 97.4 — type devices in figuring out what to do with all the functions. The hardest time I had was with the little personal AUTOSCENARs made in Holland and their Russian analogue, CHENS SCENARs from OKB Ritm — I was almost lost without instructions there. I had a much easier time with the 735, but the instruction manual still differed quite a bit from what I guessed. The 715 did not present any problem at all. It was almost like getting to know your new cell phone — you play with the little signs and images on the screen, saying to yourself once in a while, “Aha! That's what this thing is for…” The instruction manual simply confirms your findings. It's really straight forward and fool-proof.

The device allows you to choose the mode of action, the language, the brightness of the screen, to set the timer and to regulate the sound. You can even make it to vibrate like a cell phone! It has five basic modes: the assessment mode (for choosing the treatment area); the universal healing mode (good for anything); and three modes targeting the upper, middle and lower part of the body, respectively. The last three modes are said to have mostly cosmetic applications. In reality, they are great treatment modes for any dysfunction in the targeted area. The more acute the problem, the better and faster the results.

As the device intended primarily for personal use, the 715 is at its best during therapy of acute processes and intensive complaints. And does it ever do the job! In these situations, the typical SCENAR effects of the 715 are faster and more dramatic than I've probably seen with any other SCENAR device, exceeding even those of the 735.

Here's just one example. Flying to Russia from Toronto a month ago, we had an emergency situation on board of the aircraft. One of the passengers, a middle-aged Middle Eastern woman, who didn't speak any English, developed a severe chest pain accompanied with breathing difficulty. As her daughter tried to explain, she had a history of asthma, as well as a serious heart condition. All of her medication was in her luggage, with no access to it, and they didn't have anything except for aspirin and an oxygen mask in the cabin. Neither of those helped, and the poor woman was quickly turning blue coughing her lungs out and grabbing her chest in pain. As, seemingly, the only doctor on board, I joined the concerned crew members, who were trying to decide what to do. There was no time for questioning or any other type of diagnostic procedure. I simply did a 30' assessment of the upper chest area with the 715, put the device on the chosen point on the sternum and kept it there for about 5 min., followed by 3–4 min. on the T1-T2-T3 vertebras. That was enough to completely eliminate pain and restore the breathing function. The rest of the flight was uneventful. I still don't know for sure if it was an angina or an asthma attack, or both (I'd vote for angina though), but the fact is that the 715 helped to resolve a very acute and serious health emergency in virtually no time. Needless to say, all crew members were asking for information on the ‘Star Trek’ device...

The 715 is very effective in any acute situation, including the acute stage (or relapse) of a chronic process. However, with the ‘dormant’ chronic problems this device behaves differently than the other SCENARs. The reason being that the 715 is not really a SCENAR... It is COSMODIC.

At this point we need some explanations. I will present them to you the same way they were given to me by Alexander Karasev, the original SCENAR and COSMODIC inventor, and the father of 715.

There are three ways of dealing with pain in the human body (I am using ‘pain’ here as a generic term meaning any bodily dysfunction).

You can overpower it, putting the stronger signal on top of the pain signal. This is the way the TENS unit works.

You can also ‘add to it’, blending the device signal with the pathology signals and making the pain signal more ‘visible’ or perceivable. That way the body gives a stronger reaction on your action, activating its adaptive mechanisms and producing a stronger healing response. This is the way homeopathy works - and the SCENAR, which we often call ‘the electronic homeopathy’.

There is also a third way. You can directly strengthen the adaptive response, not challenging the body by increasing the pathologic signal, but simply helping it by adding to its healing efforts. That's COSMODIC.

As you can see, COSMODIC is not SCENAR; it is a conceptually different technology. Alexander Karasev first came up with this idea in 1992; partially implemented it in his SCENAR VX735v5Ag model (which has, alongside with the SC=SCENAR also the CS=COSMODIC mode) — and finally made his 715 fully COSMODIC

COSMODIC amplifies the body's own healing reactions. It looks like the device works somewhat similar to a personal trainer: 'cleaning up' the healing programs and reminding the body how to perform adaptation more efficiently. Once the body remembers, the response is dramatic. The body even remembers how to regenerate, and can restore tissues and organs into their original states.

Alexander says that they studied a client with a bad case of an ulcerative stomach disease. Visually, during a gastroscopy the stomach lining was covered with scars and fresh ulcers. After treatments with various models of SCENAR, fresh ulcers rapidly healed with formation of gentle scars. The client clinically recovered — until the next relapse, which revealed new fresh ulcers. This time he was treated with the model VX735v5Ag using COSMODIC mode. All fresh ulcers healed with NO scars. After several courses of treatments the stomach lining completely regenerated.

Apparently, there are also great results with regeneration of heart muscle and a single case of evidence of regeneration of lungs and kidneys. All these healing miracles (and who knows how much more it can potentially be; the study just began) may be attributed to the activation of stem cells in the body, but a lot of expensive research is required to reveal the exact mechanisms of this type of healing.

Oddly enough, one of the most difficult objects for COSMODIC to work with, when regeneration is concerned, is the skin, apparently because of the close relationships and resemblance between the skin and the nervous system. One of the main reasons of degeneration of skin cells is dehydration - and one of the ways to attract water back to the cells is to enrich the cytoplasm with gold ions. This can be done by using special electrodes on the 715 made of gold (to be exact, out of a special blend of gold and silver; purely gold electrodes are way too soft). That's how the EX715Au came to existence. Apparently, it's quite amazing what this little machine can do for your face (or any other piece of the saggy aging skin) — if you can afford it. Gold electrodes almost double the price of the device, which is not cheap to start with.

This is not to say that the standard silver electrodes of the EX715Ag will not have any regenerative or rejuvenating effects on the skin. The 715 has three modes to deal with cosmetic issues (on the upper, middle, and lower parts of the body), and it does it quite efficiently. Besides, silver is very good for promoting the detoxification of the cells. Alexander figured that cosmetic applications are extremely important for a personal therapy device — and I cannot argue with this. Man is vain.

To sum up the above: alongside with cosmetology, the 715 will be very good for treatment of various disorders in situations when the body is ALREADY working on the problem. That covers all acute processes (including injuries or traumas), acute and sub-acute stages of chronic processes, and even chronic disorders that give the client certain subjective sensations (that is pretty much what a personal therapy device is intended for anyway). In all these situations the body recognizes the problem and works on it.

However, dormant chronic processes respond to the 715 in a particular way. In this situation local adaptive reactions are turned off and COSMODIC does not have much to work with. Therefore, the healing process will undergo two stages. On the first stage, the device helps the body to recognize the problem and initiate an adaptive healing response. After this is achieved, it is recommended to stop treatments for a few days (usually 3–5) and let the body accumulate changes and develop adaptive reaction. And now, on the second stage, when the body is well on a healing cycle, the 715 can help to go through the healing program smoothly and efficiently — and with the slow pace. No healing crisis's (for the designated home therapy device it is important). Slowly but surely (or, as we say in Russia, ‘hurry up slowly’). The 715 is not a drama queen, unlike the 735.

The 735, being designed as a professional device, moves the healing dynamics really fast! It has three modes to choose from: CS=COSMODIC, SC=SCENAR, and SM=SCENAR MAX. But here is the catch: according to Alexander, the CS and SC modes are not purely COSMODIC or SCENAR, they have a part of each in both. So, when the screen says ‘CS’, it is actually ‘rather CS than SC’ — and when it says ‘SC’, it is ‘rather SC than CS’. It sounds complicated, but there is ‘a method to this madness’.

When the 735 is in CS mode, it works well with initially strong adaptive reactions. This mode challenges the body a bit (the SCENAR component) but mostly further enhances and 'trains' the adaptive body response. CS is good to use on children, because their adaptivity is still uncompromised.

In the SC mode, the 735 provokes the body on developing a stronger adaptive response through SCENAR — and additionally strengthens and optimizes the adaptive reactions through COSMODIC helping the body to complete the healing cycle faster. This mode is, therefore, quite universal and good for acute, as well as chronic conditions of various kinds (in which case it may provoke a healing crisis that requires careful professional management).

The SM mode is beneficial for the weakening adaptivity — it is particularly good for elderly people.

Going back to the 715, there is another unique feature worth mentioning — an interactive help (working version will be available in the near future). The device will let you select from a list the particular disorder you are dealing with and show the areas recommended for treatment. Later on interactive help can be filled up with various directories (for example, for the diseases of organ systems, cosmetology, emergency situations, etc.) programmed into the unit using a removable memory chip, which can be updated through the Internet… Are we getting closer to the ‘Star Trek’ device, or what?

By the way, the word ‘COSMODIC’ did not derive from ‘cosmetology’, as many people tend to think. It came from the word ‘COSMOS’.

This makes total sense to me. Strengthening the healing reactions of the body, re-training adaptation, cleaning cellular memory and reminding the body how to heal and regenerate as in its original design — all these increase the level of systemic coherence, restoring our connection to the much bigger whole, which we are all a part of. Cosmos is living and intelligent, and Coherent Energy Technologies (CET) like SCENAR and COSMODIC just heal our self-inflicted separation from it. As the level of human consciousness rises, COSMODIC and other CETs will inevitably become a primary form of assistance in healing. The COSMODIC era is coming.

Dr. Dr. Irina Kossovskaia, MD, PhD, DNM
, , North America