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Disorders of respiratory organs

Olga Antonovna Statova | 4.11.2002

Method of treatment:

Treat the direct projection and two adjacent areas.

Antibiotics must be completely cancelled, since the body has to preserve its chronic dis-orders so as to cope with the antibiotics effect. But the body memory is saved and this is the rea-son why seasonal acute conditions occur. All medications should be minimized. Leave only those which the patient cannot live without and those which are really necessary for his well-being.


Treat the trigger areas in the projection of trachea, larynx, main bronchi, “collar” area, 3 tracks, and six points.

Main indication of the positive dynamics is increased coughing and increased discharge of sputum, as well as enlarging hyperemia spot in the trigger area.

During SCENAR-therapy the sputum becomes nummular and is quickly discharged. There may appear blood-streaked sputum due to intensified coughing, but it disappears soon.

The course of treatment — up to 7 days.


A man breathes with negative things, his problems. The possible way out of this condi-tion is to stop getting involved into problems of the others and first solve your own ones.

Acute bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchi.

Dry, irritating cough, smarting sensation or pain in the retrosternal region appear together with the symptoms of acute inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tracts (fits of cough, dyspnea). On the second or third day some part (to 50 ml per day) of the mucous membrane or mucopurulent sputum, sometimes with blood, discharges. Most patients suffer from pains in the lower sections of the chest, general weakness, fatigue. The body temperature is often normal or may be subfebrile for several days.

Acute bronchitis is eliminated within 1-3 sessions. Areas for treatment are the same: bronchi - moving upwards, trachea, and collar area. The more often you treat, the more effective is the result. Immediately after the first session, the acute bronchitis passes from irritation to exudation stage and is often completely eliminated.

Chronic bronchitis

A man becomes addicted to his own habits which control his consciousness. This condi-tion mostly affects people over 50 years old.

The following types of bronchitis are distinguished:

— simple non-complicated catarrhal bronchitis;

— purulent chronic bronchitis;

— obstructive bronchitis (with purulent sputum discharged, but without ventilation disorders);

— purulent-obstructive bronchitis with purulent sputum discharged and stable obstructive ventilation disorders.

Areas for treatment are projection of bronchi, six points, front surface of the middle third of the forearm; tenar, front surface of the lower third of the crus; region of adrenal glands, right elbow joint; middle part of the abdomen, shoulders, the right forearm, back surface of thighs, outer surface of the right crus; palms, front surface of the elbow joints, feet, outer surface of the right hand, back surface of the elbow joints.

SCENAR-therapy can make up 2–3 courses (5–8 sessions each), or the course can only be repeated when acute conditions occur.

Bronchial asthma is a chronic relapsing condition. Its main symptom is suffocation at-tack caused by bronchospasm, hypersecretion and swelling of the mucous membrane of bronchi. The patient cannot freely breath and feels dependent.

For SCENAR-therapy, the form and duration of the disease is not important.

Non-hormonodependent patients are completely cured in 80% of cases. It is better to start SCENAR-therapy during the asthma attack. Treat every attack until it is eliminated with SCENAR. The patient can continue taking medications.

Number of asthma attacks decreases after the second session.

The course of treatment should make up 7–10 days until the next exacerbation occurs. The patient should be under observation for a year. If during this period the asthma attacks do not occur again, they usually never appear again.

As for hormonodependent patients, the treatment should be started at the moment the pa-tient applies for help 7md 1 session a day. The first course should make up about 2 weeks. After 3–4 days it is possible to reduce hormone dosage. After the hormones will be completely cancelled, treat the patient for 3–4 days more. Treat the adrenal glands region and projection of the sixth chakra. The patient should purge the intestine and drink more water. After that a two weeks' break is needed. During this time the patient develops sputum. Treat the patient until the sputum is completely eliminated. You can always bring relief to the patient with SCENAR, however complicated is his condition. Do not let the patient cancel the hormonotherapy by himself and suddenly — it may cause status asthmaticus.

How to cup off the bronchial asthma attack.

1. Treat jugular fossa up to 5 minutes until bronchospasm is eliminated (the breathing be-comes quieter and deeper).

2. Treat the posterior surface of the chest for 20 minutes. The treatment should be aimed at elimination of the sputum.

3. Treat the projection of large bronchi.

Additional areas for treatment:

Hair-line area, collar area, feet, talocrural joints, region of adrenal glands, projection of ovaries in women.

It is recommended to vary the treatment, change the operating modes and action intensity.

Pleurisy — is inflammation of pleura accompanied by fibrinous fur on its surface or exu-date in its cavity. This condition is always secondary.

The course of SCENAR-therapy should make up 5–8 sessions.

Main areas for treatment are the painful region, vertex, forehead, shoulders, abdomen, lumbar area; front surface of the elbow joints, upper part of crura, posterior surface of radiocar-pal joints, “collar” area; front surface the of forearms, posterior surface of hands, the right elbow; front and posterior surface of the chest, lower thirds of the front surface of both crura, right fore-arm, both feet.

Silicosis, bronchiectasia

Conduct 1–2 SCENAR-therapy sessions a day, up to 30 minutes each. The course of treatment — 2 weeks. Another course should be conducted after 10 days.

Lungs are organs of freedom. Lung disorders mean that the soul is not free.

Pneumonia is an inflammatory process of infectious nature, mainly affecting the alveoli. There distinguished focal and croupous pneumonia.

These conditions can be caused by staphylo-, strepto-, pneumo- and diplococci, Proteus, Bacillus pynocyaneus, Legionella, respiratory viruses, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, etc.

The course of SCENAR-therapy makes up 15–18 days if combined with antibiotics, and 3–7 days — without antibiotics. Rehabilitation period is quicker in the latter case.

During the first two days of treating the acute pneumonia with SCENAR, treat the patient every two hours.

Act upon the projection of the lungs bottom-up. Two ways of treatment are possible:

a) circular movements on near-threshold level. The more power you use the more the de-vice inhibits the reactivity. Find trigger areas and treat them until they come back to the normal condition;

b) “Christmas-tree” pattern. Start from below, from the 11th intercostal space of the me-dium axillary line and move upwards along the paravertebral line until you reach C7. Then treat the whole surface above the lungs.

Particularly treat the region of the heart chakra.

Treat the basic areas, upper thirds of both crura and feet; trigger areas on the shoulders, abdomen, adrenal glands region, the right crus, the right elbow joint; the front surface of the el-bow joints and feet, posterior surface of the radiocarpal joints, the right hand; the front surface of the chest and radiocarpal joints, posterior surface of the hands, adrenal glands region.

In case of superlobar pneumonia treat the frontonasal region, C3, and C4.

The treatment should last taking into account the stage of the process, the patient's age and his wish to positively change his condition. Initial stage usually requires 4–6 sessions, for the third stage 2–4 courses of 7–8 sessions each may be necessary. The treatment also depends on what your objective in treatment is: just to eliminate the symptom, or completely eliminate the cause of this condition.

Olga Antonovna Statova

Translated by Elena Khatkova “LET Medical”